Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Guy In Town

I moved to Holland, Mi in January 2002 at the age of 22. Being used to moving through out my life I found it very easy to meet friends. The first person that I met was a girl named Mccenzie. She was a nice girl and was kind enough to invite me to her house party during Tulip Time(a tulip festival held in Holland). Kegs of Oberon and strange faces surrounded me. Fortunately for my excessive drinking habit I was able to strike up some conversations and have a good time. I ended up drinking quite a bit and blacked out.
Now blacking out is nothing new for this drunk. How does the old saying go? "If you remember everything then you didn't have a good time." I have lived my life by those words. Blacking out can be a bad thing though when your mind isn't familiar with a new area.
The last thing I remember at the party was slapping a young lady's ass and being asked to leave. The next thing I remembered was waking up in an apartment where I didn't belong. Yes my friends this humble man who writes to you pulled a Robert Downey Jr. I awoke but naked and in a puddle of piss. The room was pitch dark. I stood to turn on the light and that was when I saw the hall light shine under the door entering the apartment. A sense of panic hit me like a freight train. The minute amount of light was just enough for me to make out the room that I was standing naked in. Quickly I gathered my clothes which made a trail to the front door. I was just about to walk out the door when curiosity took over. I had to figure this out. Where am I?
With a sense of urgency bearing down on me, I decided to look for pictures of the person or persons who lived in this place. The only pictures I saw were of a middle aged Mexican couple. Alright, time to bail before the heat comes down on me I thought. I left the apartment and walked down a flight of stairs that resembled the stairs in my own building. I walked out of the building and approached the nearest street sign to see where I was. 13th St. and College. I lived on 14th St. and Central two blocks away.
I went home, drank a couple of beers, and went back to sleep. The next morning I awoke and still suffered from curiosity. Maybe I left with someone I thought. It was time to make the dreadful phone call to my friend Mccenzie. I wanted to figure out whether or not I had left alone. Mccenzie informed me that I had left by myself stummbling down the sidewalk.
To this day it is still a mystery to me. Perhaps someone found me and gave me a place to sleep. That is highly unlikely considering that I was naked. I must have just wondered into the apartment unconsiuosly.

1 comment:

  1. Now I have done some very strange things during black outs but pulling a Robert Downey Jr. is not one of them.

    I went through a year of hard drinking and regular black outs during which I would usually run away from my friends and explode in violence and other forms of criminal mischief.
